I should never make movie plans. Seriously. The Movie Gods are pissed off at me. Or they just have a really weird sense of humour. The last time I made plans, one friend mysteriously fell ill while another suddenly realized she had to rectify an error on her PAN Card form. This time around, the theater suddenly changed the timing of the movie we
desperately wanted to watch which made all our careful planning go awry. And then when I called the theater to confirm the matinée show ticket prices (hello, broke college students here!), I was put on hold for five minutes. I disconnected 'cause the music became really annoying. And I'd bunked a lecture too when I desperately need all the attendance I can get.
But no problem. There's always tomorrow right? The eleven o'clock show of
The President is Coming it is. Unless of course the gods decide otherwise.
Edit: Here I sit, a month later, and I still haven't watched the film. The Movie Gods have won this time. But it's the last time they do! (I hope)
I wouldn't recommend the movie in the first place.Or rather watch the first half and then come out during the interval.This would save you 45minutes of torture and stupid "humour" which I for one found it hard to bear with.
I should never make movie plans. Seriously. The Movie Gods are pissed off at me. Or they just have a really weird sense of humour. The last time I made plans, one friend mysteriously fell ill while another suddenly realized she had to rectify an error on her PAN Card form. This time around, the theater suddenly changed the timing of the movie we desperately wanted to watch which made all our careful planning go awry. And then when I called the theater to confirm the matinée show ticket prices (hello, broke college students here!), I was put on hold for five minutes. I disconnected 'cause the music became really annoying. And I'd bunked a lecture too when I desperately need all the attendance I can get.
But no problem. There's always tomorrow right? The eleven o'clock show of The President is Coming it is. Unless of course the gods decide otherwise.
Well I ended up watching Slumdog Millionaire anyway. I am so in love with that movie. Ooh Dev Patel *sighs*
I should never make movie plans. Seriously. The Movie Gods are pissed off at me. Or they just have a really weird sense of humour. The last time I made plans, one friend mysteriously fell ill while another suddenly realized she had to rectify an error on her PAN Card form. This time around, the theater suddenly changed the timing of the movie we desperately wanted to watch which made all our careful planning go awry. And then when I called the theater to confirm the matinée show ticket prices (hello, broke college students here!), I was put on hold for five minutes. I disconnected 'cause the music became really annoying. And I'd bunked a lecture too when I desperately need all the attendance I can get.
But no problem. There's always tomorrow right? The eleven o'clock show of The President is Coming it is. Unless of course the gods decide otherwise.
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